

Bret talks about the inspiration for starting REBEL EARTH films. How their mission is to use the power of film and animation to change the environmental outlook of an entire generation.

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An Idea

When I was a kid there was an animated educational series that aired during children’s programming on ABC television called School House Rock.  They were animated short segments that taught basic lessons through animation and music.  Things like multiplication, grammar, history, and science. I watched these cartoons over and over, and loved them. Flash forward about 30 years when someone asked a group of us if anyone knew the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution beyond the words “We the People”. …

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Our Vision

We have a simple formula: Children + Cartoons + Education = Change Assuming that we are creative enough to entertain children so much that they want to watch our films over and over, and assuming that we can infuse our films with educational messaging and lessons that can empower and foster change; what kind of messaging and education do we want to provide? At the most basic level, we want to teach children that their actions can, and do, have…

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The Trash Fairy

We wanted our first project to be an animated short film as opposed to a feature length documentary film, because an animated short can be produced less expensively and much faster than an hour long documentary style production. And with no product yet to show our supporters, we felt that getting something up on film, no matter how small in scale, would be a smart move. We came up with a variety of ideas for the animated short.  One involved…

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