Please help us to educate, inspire, and empower.

Our goal is to use animation to provide millions of children with the educational base necessary to make environmentally conscious decisions.  Imagine a whole generation of children growing up to care as much about the environmental impact of a corporation as they would about a corporation’s stock price.  Pretty powerful stuff.

Your generous support will help to make all this dream a reality.  And with enough support, we can all enjoy some killer cartoons in the process!!!

We are currently processing donations through PayPal.  If you don’t have a PayPal account, click the Donate Now button below, look for the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” section (by the credit card icons in the lower left of the PayPal donate screen), and click the “continue” link.  This will enable you to continue with your donation without having to sign up for PayPal.

If you would prefer to not use PayPal, please feel free to contact us or send a donation to our physical address.

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Trash Fairy